Minggu, 03 April 2011The first time I know how to earn online and learning how to get cash from internet,..and made some researched and some tried another program that called PTC or Paid To Click,. I think this is the simple way and the easy way? some people this way is only wasting time? but I said not,..wasting time you've got nothing but If you doing and joining PTC Program you've got Penny? they pay you for a penny? but in my researched there are people who made enough for PTC program. how can they do that? Oh,. They tell me you must be made refferal program get someone known for the program you joined.
Here I have a favorite program,and don't be worry it would be Scam? ya because some of the program out there is scam. this my criteria how to choose the right program of PTC.
1. See the Founder Date or established date
2. See the member or if they have a forum try to contact them to tell the experience.
3. See Paid Story
4. Try your self and get minimum paid than withdraw it. success or not or may be waiting.
5. See the compensation rate,.. if to High I think it's not possible.
Ok. there a a lot of PTC program out there Joined in my favorite site it is since 2005 till now.
and this is the proof of the payment not long ago.