Senin, 16 Februari 2009

Is Blog advertising an effective way ? this is the question that should be answered, Blog Industry and development currently has shown an incredible or amazing growth, every year amount of blogger is rising significantly. They make networking of blogger also they are making a community between blogger. They are interact on the blog itself. Some of them discussing on the blog posting. I think this is the opportunity for company to make ads campaign on their blog. According to the survey and statistically can be shown above about how effective their sales on blog advertising. Making a blog was so easily so far, this is one of the factor that people being a blogger than making a website, because a website more complicated than blog.
Some of people call this activity as blog marketing, Blog marketing actually has a wide definition one of the definition is an activity of promoting by using a media. The media used for this case is a blog. The advertiser also should be carefully if they would like to make promotion via blog, because not all blog was a good media to advertise, the best way that should do first is must be suited based on the blog theme or topics. So they have relevant topics with the ads and the content of Blog itself.
The others factor that would be paid attention for the advertiser is a blog statistic. And also a famous of blog itself, the best one they have a good reputation about their blog, sometimes it is called a blog branding, and For blogger the relation ship between blogging activity and unified by another affiliate or something cooperation with get paid to blog like is a best way to make money blogging. So this activity should more growing up in the future, because human like to share their mind with others or maybe and Idea also friendship. blog advertising always the best and cheap way to advertise on the Internet than the others. Now you turn as blogger to make a good revenue and also the advertiser to promote their services and any product on behalf of winning the customer attention.

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